Incoherent, Nonsensical Ranting from a Conspiracy Theory Might’ve Been
By Bobby Neal Winters
There are times when I think I wasted my time getting a PhD when I may have been born to be a conspiracy theorist. (I think a lot of people at universities have made that mistake, but let me struggle to stick to the topic.)
I am surrounded by people from both ends of the political spectrum and all colors in between. I don’t like to waste time arguing. (And it is a waste most of the time because hardly anyone changes their mind; most don’t even modify their argument. They just charge on mouthing the same talking points.)
One thing I’ve heard over and over, is the statement that Trump is stupid. I am open-minded enough to periodically entertain the notion that might be true, but--speaking to those who say this--that is a very dangerous thing to think about your political enemy. Perhaps they want you to think they are stupid; perhaps there are things they have to say to placate their base; perhaps they are operating with constraints you can’t see; perhaps their agenda is not what you think it is.
These are all possibilities that should at least be entertained. Entertain those from time to time, while I periodically think that maybe Trump is stupid. Given what comes out of his mouth sometimes, it’s hard not to. But let’s continue.
Among those many colors of the spectrum I’m surrounded by, there are two individuals who’ve said independently of each other: Don’t listen to what he says, watch what he does.
What follows is my analysis coming from doing just that. There are people who pay far more attention to this than I do; there are people who are far smarter than I am; there are people who know more about politics than I do. What follows is my analysis of what is happening, it’s not necessarily what I want to happen or what I think ought to happen.
In other words, don’t shoot the messenger, especially when he is admittedly a would-be conspiracy theorist.
In that which follows, I am going to use the word hegemon. The internet defines a hegemon as “a dominant leader, country, or group that exercises significant influence or authority over others.” The United States is the current world hegemon, and we have been since WWII. Before that it was Great Britain; before that it was the Netherlands; before that it was Spain; before that it was Portugal.
There are perks to being a hegemon. It helps you make money. Indeed, if you do it right, it helps everyone make money. A world hegemon acts like a world policeman. They take care of the international spaces that don’t belong to anyone--like the oceans, for example--and keep the malefactors from malefacting. On the oceans, they keep the pirates from running wild. That is why in all of those old pirate movies, it was always the British who were coming after the pirates.
We are now the ones taking care of the pirates. That’s us. We have a magnificent navy that dominates the oceans. I think it is probably the best that the world has ever seen, but I don’t have data to back that up. Since I am just on a conspiracy theoretic rant, I shouldn’t worry about it, but there you go.
We similarly maintain a strong military.
This is very expensive. It is a huge part of our budget every year, and maintaining it has added to our huge national debt. I hate to name the number because it might be even bigger than that, but anyway it’s so big that even if I wrote it down, it would be difficult to understand in a meaningful way.
We are spending a lot of money on being the world’s hegemon. At the same time, many of the countries we are protecting and whose trade we are protecting have used their money not on the military, but on healthcare and education for their people.
All of this said, the actions that are being taken look like they will ultimately take us out of the position of being the world’s hegemon.
I would like it if the citizens of the US were the healthiest, best educated people in the world. What could possibly be wrong with that?
Ah, but there’s the rub. It’s like in a western when the old sheriff steps down. Who is going to be the new sheriff?
Ask India, Japan, and South Korea what they think about that.
There was a time between WWI--which basically gutted Great Britain--and WWII--after which the US took over--when the world effectively didn’t have a hegemon. That period was marked by the rise of Fascism and Communism. Hitler and Mussilini; Stalin and Mao.
Maybe my analysis is wrong. I am just a conspiracy theorist could’ve been, after all.
But this is what I’ve been thinking about.
Bobby Winters, a native of Harden City, Oklahoma, blogs at and He invites you to “like” the National Association of Lawn Mowers on Facebook. Search for him by name on YouTube.